Monday, August 4, 2008

HIndraf peace protect at CPA (Commonwealth Parliamentary Association) meeting at KL Convention Centre

Kuala Lumpur, 3rd Aug 2008.

After successfully launching Hindraf's 1st Jalur Gemilang event in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur attended by more than 3000 people, Hindraf continues it tireless struggle on the same day.

About 100 people had gathered in front of KL Convention Centre about 12.30 pm today.

They had a peace protest for more than 2 hours carrying banners and placards ("manila card") with various slogans. The group whom most dressed in their safron color dress were waving their placard to the passby people. Few foreign and local medias were seen covering the peace protest.
They group has managed to deliever the memo letter to more than 40 delegates whom came to the meeting today during their lunch break. Some of the delegates promised to raise the matter and seems to know about the Hindraf when the Hindraf volunteers explains to the delegates on the letter.
It is learnt that CPA ( Commonwealth Parliamentarian Association) is having their annual meeting in the convention centre from 1st August to 10th August. HINDRAF Chairman, Mr P.Waythamoorty whom is self exile in London now had earlier sent a official letter dated 15th July 2008 to Dr.William F. Shija, Secretary General of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association address to their office in London.

In the letter, HINDRAF has request the CPA Sec. General to raise serious Human Rights Issues of affecting Malaysian Indians at the CPA meet in Kuala Lumpur from August 1-10, 2008.
The 4 issues are;
1. Democratically elected representative at Selangor Legislative assembly Mr.M.Manoharan denied his rights to serve his constituents though he has won his state assembly seat with big majority while he was still detained under the draconian ISA (Internal Security Law).
but till today he is denied his right to serve his constituents. This is a serious affront to basic principles of human Rights.
2. HINDRAF 5 leaders and workers detained under draconian Internal Security Act (ISA) without trial for raising legitimate issues affecting minority rights.
3. P.Uthayakumar whom is one of the detainee have been denied right to seek medical attention for heart ailment.

4. 51 years of neo colonization of ethnic Malaysian Indians by the majority Malay UMNO led Government in Malaysia.
Mr Waythamoorthy also have stressed in his letter to CPA that Malaysia being one of the
materially developed Commonwealth members in every possible way has breached and failed to uphold its declaration and fundamental principal of the Commonwealth in affirming human rights and good governance for the Malaysian Indians with its practice of continued oppression and suppression towards their ethnic citizens. Hindraf feels that Malaysia breached the Harare Commonwealth Declaration, 1991, where the heads of government of the countries of the Commonwealth had reaffirmed their pledge that were set out in a Declaration of Commonwealth Principles agreed by their predecessors at their Meeting in Singapore in 1971 which amongst them being that;
1. They believe in the liberty of the individual under the law, in equal rights for all citizens regardless of gender, race, colour, creed or political belief, and in the individual's inalienable right to participate by means of free and democratic political processes in framing the society in which he or she lives;

2. They recognise racial prejudice and intolerance as a dangerous sickness and a threat to healthy development, and racial discrimination as an unmitigated evil;

3. They oppose all forms of racial oppression, and they are committed to the principles of human dignity and equality.

They stressed that Malaysian government continues to undermine human right and civil liberties issues although they had pledged to the Harare Convention and their membership with the United Nations Human Rights Council.
Hindraf Event Coordinator, Mr Kannan whom came for the peace protest at the KL Convention Centre said that this peace protest is to seek CPA attention and urge them to bring up the serious violation of Human Right and continues marginalization of Malaysian Indians in the their meetings here. "As they are here on the ground their should make effort to hear the plight of the marginalized Malaysian Indians", he said.
There were several police patrol cars and personnel both in uniform and plain clothes watching the group in briefand took pictures. The group later dispreased in peace after holding the peace protest outside the KL Convention Centre almost 2 hours.
Mr Kannan also mention that it was success day as the group successfully hand over the memo to several CPA delegates by hand and the outside peace protest were allowed without any issue. He hope the CPA and Malaysia government will look in to the request urgently.

Report by Admin Hindraf

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