Thursday, May 1, 2008


Parliamant Proceedings - "LIVE" Telecast!

What freedom is BN talking about, what democracy is BN harping now. What right does BN have to cancel live telecast, the rakyat voted them out of 2/3 majority still not enough, not learning, or want the rakyat throw them off for good, this is a serious matter, the rakyat wants to see and judge the performance of their elected MP's on stage not through spin media. The MAlaysian rakyat is matured enough than the MP's on stage to be spectator, prosecutor and judge. This is the peoples parliament, let the rakyat be the judge.  

As a Malaysian we have the right to know what is going on in the Parliament. If the government decides to stop the “LIVE” telecast then it shows that they do not respect all Malaysian citizens of their RIGHTS. We have the right to see who is doing their job, who is manipulating or abusing their power and to show who is right or wrong.

I seriously object if the government would stop the live telecast of the parliament proceedings. Instead of just showing the first 30 minutes, our government should be more transparent and show the full 90 minutes “LIVE” for all Malaysians to view. 

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