Monday, June 30, 2008

Pak Lah: Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin Lagi

Criminals will naturally deny their crime but ... this does not apply to UMNOPutra!

Raja Petra That reminds me……. refers.

"The police are the ones who will determine whether the report is true or not. It is not something that we can determine. He will definitely deny it. That is common for someone who has been accused.” said Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

No, Abdullah Badawi was not talking about the people named in the Statutory Declaration (read it here). He was referring to the latest sodomy allegation against Anwar Ibrahim. Yes, but is this common only to Anwar Ibrahim? Would not Abdullah Badawi, his son-in-law, Najib, Rosmah, Col. Aziz and Col Norhayati not also do the ‘common’ thing and also deny what was alleged in the Statutory Declaration?

Hmm….but did not Abdullah Badawi also say last week that he believes his Deputy Prime Minister Rosmah Mansor and her husband, Najib, are innocent? Well, he said this at least as far as Rosmah and her husband are concerned. But when it comes to Anwar Ibrahim he says, "The police are the ones who will determine whether the report is true or not. It is not something that we can determine.’

We must remember that even before the Altantuya murder trial started the Attorney-General had announced that only three people and no others are involved in the murder. The Attorney-General had pre-judged the case and if evidence surfaces in the course of the trial which points to the possibility that more than three people are involved, the Attorney-General would look very stupid and would probably open himself to allegations of trial-rigging, which is a criminal act ... More here.

Even as we speak, here is another one just came out hot from the the
oven of Malaysiakini: Najib denies involvement in conspiracy against Anwar

Oh Pak Lah … What happened to you? Why nowadays so very hilarious lah?

BTW, Raja Petra, I think ‘trial-rigging’ is also commonly known as ‘Obstruction of Justice’ which you‘re right … indeed a very serious crime but Pak Lah already told us the answer: They will definitely deny it.

Pak Lah, when did you become a Bollywooder? Borak-borak dengan Katrina Kaif pun tak bagi tahu. Apa lah lu. Tak mahu member sama lu lah.

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