Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cadet Pilot

Wanna be a pilot? Are you sure you still wanna be a pilot? Okay, it's fair, if that is what you wanna be, your dream! BUT, do you know how much it cost to become a pilot or a commercial pilot?

You need to satisfy 3 things first :-

Education, health and money, .... money, money.

Most aspiring pilots qualify for the first two quite easily but when it comes to money they fail miserably. You know how much it would cost you to become a commercial airline pilot?

Approximately RM280,000 in fees and accommodation excluding personal expenses.

Well, that's real big money for a layman's child.

So, for those pilot wannabes whose parents can afford, there are two options if you are still adamant to become a pilot, one way is to apply to the government bodies like the arm forces, RMAF, Navy, Army, Maritime & Border Patrol.

Vacancies are limited, selection process is tough, and I was told that to some extend racial quota is applied, no wonder I see a single race dominate the flying field in these sector. Anyway, no harm trying.

Next, commercial airlines do have their cadet programs and of course you will be bonded for a number of years, once training is over and accepted as a pilot you start working for them, the beauty is that job is secured.

So, signing a bond is must, and failing in the middle of training for whatever reason will make your parent's life miserable because they have bear all the cost and may have to pay for life.

Some say these programs stinks saying it is just an eyewash by the airlines to show that they are people friendly.

Reason; they say these airline invites applicant's and keep them in the dark. They shortlist some and call for a tough test on the applicants ability.

Applicants must pass a series of tests like psychomotor, psychometric, interview and medical test.

The problem is that these test are not fixed at specific dates. The airlines fix them as and when they like. The whole process may even take a year or two to be selected. Waiting in the dark is the order of the day.

Some die hard applicants miss their college & university entries while waiting. Airlines have yet to fix this problem.

I do not understand why it takes such a long time to process entry to qualify as a cadet pilot.

The airlines must be professional and matured enough to finish their process within a given time say a month so that an applicant who do not qualify can opt to take a different route to study something else.

There is no reason why an applicant should be made to wait for a long time without knowing the results.

It is like holding an applicant to ransom.

To all those pilot wannabes, do you still wanna be a pilot.....

I wish you every success in your dream to become a PILOT.


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